Thursday, February 28, 2008

Class - 2/27/08 & 2/28/08

Sparring class Wednesday and Thursday.

Everyone did fairly well. Although I appreciate the punching power of many of the students remember that we are not trying to break our opponents up. Medium contact is sufficient to develope your technique and letting your partner know that you got a hit in. A couple of you figured out what happens if you come at sensei "strong".

Some pointers-

Keep your hands up! Blocking is important. I think if we punched to the head more (HINT HINT HINT TO THOSE THAT AREN'T!), you will realize that protecting your head is important. Leading with your head can cost you. Ditto with leading with a technique that leaves your chest open. A couple of students were taught that lesson.

What many of you are forgetting is your basic techniques. Basic jabs, reverse punches, front kicks are available and can strike your opponent if you use them. So many of you are working more difficult techniques without actually setting them up. Watch the more advance students as they set up techniques in their sparring.

All in all I am happy with the progress of many of our students. Keep up the great work.

Next week we will work on throws and basics with a touch of kata.

Saturday in the adult class we plan on going over some ground work and how to avoid being taken down.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Class - February 26, 2008

We skipped sparring since many students did not make it due to inclement weather.

In tonight's class students were individually evaluated on their performance of their kata.

Some students were introduced to the bo and shown 3 basic techniques:
-downward strike from the right shoulder
-upper and lower level double handed blocks

Thursday's class will cover-

-Jyu Kumite (free sparring)
-Bag work for those that are not sparring.



Welcome to our blog!

This blog will allow students to be aware of what's we covered in that day's class as well as what's expected of you for your personal development. We will also discuss some key points of that day's class for your consideration.

Please feel free to post your comments and/or your questions.
