Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tournament Fundraiser

First the particulars:

$460.00 Tournament Fees
$316.00 Raffle+Entrance fees+food sold
$776.00 Total

Expenses versus Revenue

$507.93 Total Tournament Expenses
$776 Total Revenue
$268.07 (Revenue - Expenses)

The last tournament fundraiser we had saw us making about the same with less participants and spectators. The reason for this is we had less expenses at the time and had better paricipation from our own students. Total, we had 4 students from our two clubs pariticipate in the tournament compared with 20 for our in house one in February. Although this was an open tournament and we were able to have 23 total participants and 41 spectators this past Saturday (which made up for the shortfall for our own students not coming), I am disappointed we didn't get the support I was hoping for from our students.

A parent made the (correct) comment that we should not be talking to the kids about supporting our non-profit venture and talk to the parents. The thing is, we did talk to all the parents we could and even handed out flyers with information on the tournament and the reason for it.

On the positive side, we had a few students come to watch the tournament and support us by paying their spectator fee.

One of the things I knew was going to happen is the lack of a lot of competitors because we could not allow sparring at the tournament due to the By Laws of the HUMADAOP Youth Center stating: 'no sparring/fighting allowed on the premises'. The Program Director stated that maybe we could convince the Executive Director to allow it in our next venture. I will have to talk to them about it next time.

In summary, we did not lose money and made over $268 for the program. That's a plus. The downside is we did not get as much support as I would've liked. The sadder part was our own students were the ones that didn't support us as much as I would've liked.

Next tournament we hope to make bigger and better with much better participation and sparring. Hopefully we can convince more of our own to help.

We have a demonstration tonight and one on Saturday. I hope some of you will step up to help us show our wares and drum up participation for the program.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Today - August 10, 2008

Yes, a post long time in coming.

The past few months have been a whirlwind of activity and 'goings on'. To say it has been challenging would be an understatement.

The St. Paul's program is no more and has moved to the Hispanic UMADAOP Youth Center. It was a much better location in terms of size and parking but deeper in inner-city Cleveland and some students were put off by the move. I can understand the trepidations, but overall the move was a good one. Besides, the St. Paul's location was not exactly a safe area either. I think people were comfortable at St. Paul's and didn't like going to a new place.

Some have asked me why I don't move to the suburbs with our program. The kids in the 'burbs can afford to pay the outrageous prices for Karate training (if they want to call that McDojo KarateKid day care that!). The inner-city is where our program is needed the most. Kids are at risk from drugs, alcohol, abusive relationships, etc. etc. By giving them purpose and direction, we hope to instill in them the sense that "yes I can!" in anything they wish.

I just wish many of the students would take the time to put more into the training. Sometimes I see that those that can pay for something actually appreciate it more. It's sad. But I say, if you come to class and do your best and give your most, you will be paying for it in sweat and effort. As I am known to say: "shut up and train" and get what you can out of what we do.


August 23rd we will be having our 2nd fundraising tournament. Proceeds benefit the Hispanic UMADAOP Youth Center and our inner-city Karate program. We hope we can get as many participants as possible to raise money for our program and the HUMADAOP YC. As I mentioned previously, we were shorted $2,000 in our grant request this year and need to make up the shortfall.

We will be working katas and self-defense hard in the next two weeks. We hope that students will give their best to the training and work hard!

See you in class!