Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Change Over

As you already know, Master Chase is stepping back from the day to day instructional duties at the Michael J. Zone Karate program. Although I will miss Master Chase’s direct instruction, I look forward to the opportunity to teach classes full time as well as help our Oshirokan Karate-Jutsu Goshin Budo Bujutsu clubs grow and expand. My goal is to make the instruction interesting as well as entertaining. Everyone should know that I am firm but I strive to be fair in my dealings with everyone. No one should ever be afraid to talk to me about any issue with the classes and are more than welcome to contact me to discuss any issues.

During our meeting we will be going over some changes
1) Price list (reduction in prices for testing fees).
The testing fees have been reduced so that they are not as burdensome. There are ways in which students can reduce the cost of the fees (i.e.-via referrals and fund raising).

2) Tournament on November 1st – Master Chase and I would like it if every student competes. Note we do NOT expect every student to participate in sparring, but would like to see each student participate in kata. The tournament organizer has agreed to discount tournament fees up to $10 per person. Each student will be required to speak to Sensei Nieves directly regarding their personal situation so that the necessary forms are completed and the appropriate discounts are given. There might be ‘scholarships’ available to those students that qualify. Each case will be handled on a one on one basis.

3) Curriculum Refinement
Master Chase and I have been discussing over the last 2 years the streamlining of the Oriental Martial Arts curriculum. Master Chase’s teaching style involved the teaching of specific principles allowing the student to expand and evolve these techniques on his/her own. This has not worked as well as we would’ve liked with the bulk of our students. A set of fixed self-defense techniques will be taught to the students. This will give each student a true foundation in their self-defense while still allowing the student to expand on those techniques and apply to their own unique situations. All students will be required to bring their folders to classes and be prepared to write in their folders these techniques.
Attached you will find a new kata listing students will learn in their training at the two clubs. Katas were removed that were redundant and were not conducive to training and advancement. We feel these katas are more exciting and provide a stronger base from which to build upon for our teaching method.

4) Discounts
Each student will be given business cards which contains a free two week trial period. Please pass these out to anyone that is interested in karate training. Make sure to put the referring student’s name on the back of the card. If a new student registers with the program that was referred by a current student, the current student will receive one month’s worth of credit. In other words, for every student that is referred to our program that registers (pays their registration fee) we will credit/waive one month from the current student’s dues. If a student wishes to credit their testing fees instead of one month’s worth of dues, they are able to do so. That student must let the instructor know beforehand so it can be noted in their file. Note the new student MUST have registered and completed their paperwork before the referral will be credited to the current student’s account.

5) Dues.
We ask that all students pay their dues by the 15th of every month to ease the burden of book keeping. If a student can not pay their dues on time, please contact the head instructor at your earliest opportunity.

6) Student Progress
Periodically (ideally once a month or every other month), I will be passing out progress reports to each student so that they can know where they are in their trainings. I will be evaluating students constantly (“EVERY DAY IS A TEST!”) to assess their readiness for advancement. Note that major tests occur twice a year in June and December with progress and stripe promotions occurring between those tests. My goal is to be more consistent with the stripe promotions and inform students when they are ready for their next belt test as well as what they need to brush up on so they can move forward.

7) Intermediate / Advanced classes
The Saturday classes have not had the adult attendance we had hoped for. Also, we noticed that the intermediate and advanced students were not getting the attention they deserved for their own advancement. Starting September 13th the Saturday classes will be for intermediate and advanced students only (green belt and above). All students are welcome to participate in classes at both Zone Recreation Center (W. 65th & Lorain) and the HUMADAOP Youth Center (3115 Scranton Road in the old St. Michael’s Gruss Hall). All students will be expected to participate in at least 2 classes with the green belt and above students being asked to participate in 3 classes (2 during the week and the Saturday class). We understand that families have schedules to maintain and we will not be unreasonable with their circumstances. We would ask that they discuss with the head instructor to make sure the student receives the appropriate instruction for their level. Please call the instructor and let him know if that student will not be attending class that day. Sometimes the instructor will have specific teaching for a student and would like to know if those plans need to be put aside for that day.

8) Sparring
We have not had the regular sparring sessions required to apply the techniques we learn in class. We plan on having sparring conducted on Wednesdays and Saturdays at Michael J. Zone. We will have quick sparring sessions at the end of class Wednesdays with more detailed sparring instruction in the last hour of Saturday’s class. Acquiring one’s own sparring gear is recommended but not required. We have sets of sparring gear that we will have available for student’s use. Note that we will assist students in acquiring their own sparring gear if they wish to have it but the cost is prohibitive for them. We do recommend, however, that any student that is deemed eligible (ready) to spar have their own mouth and groin protector. Those students that are ready to spar will be notified. No student will be made to spar that is NOT mentally or technically ready to do so. Safety is # 1 with me and I will not allow a student to be in a situation I do not believe they are ready to handle.

9) Fundraising
As everyone knows, we are a non-profit whose main focus is to provide martial arts instruction at a very low cost to our students. We will be asking students and their families to assist in the fund raising activities to help continue to provide uniforms and equipment to future students (“paying it forward”). Note that NOONE will be REQUIRED to assist in fund raising activities but will ask that you do what you can to help grow the program.

10) Purchasing of Equipment
We ask that students purchase their equipment through the program. We strive to keep our prices low and pass those savings along to the students. The equipment we have chosen is approved by your head instructor and meets his standards. Note that we require a minimum $50 order or we will be charged an additional $10. We will attempt to gather a larger order to avoid this cost. Prices on the price list do NOT include shipping charges. Usually shipping charges are an additional $5 for the item. If the charge is higher, we will let the purchaser know before an item is purchased.

1. Mouth Piece $ 3.00
2. Athletic Supporter – Male $10.00
3. Athletic Supporter – Female $ 25.00
4. Karate Uniform and Patch (Adult / Child) $ 35.00

5. Oshirokan Patch $ 5.00
6. Foam Dipped Protector Gear (Sparring) Set (Head, hand, and foot; mouth piece included).*
$ 50.00

*Optional but recommended.

Above prices do not include shipping. Shipping is usually $5 unless otherwise indicated by the insructor.


Green Belt $ 30.00

Brown Belt $ 45.00

Black Belt 1st Degree $100.00
Black Belt 2nd Degree $150.00
Black Belt 3rd Degree $200.00
Black Belt 4th Degree $250.00

Remember that these fees are mandated by the organization and pay for the fees necessary to certify the rank with Oshirokan.


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