Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday Tournament - Fundraiser

To all of you that attended, I wish to say congratulations. Just showing up to demonstrate your ability shows you are confident and already were a winner when you walked through the door.

Here is the break out of how we did:

Total cash brought in: $439.00
Total expenses: $87.07
Donation to St. Paul's: $100.00
Total cost for prize/awards after event: $23.25

Total left over for programs: $228.68.

Thank you to everyone that helped make this fund raiser a success! We hope to have another in the future.

See you at training next week.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Classes March 12th & 13th

Worked on kata today. As stated previously, kata is the essence of what you do. What you put into your katas, you will get out of it. Garbage in, Garbage out.

Practice with a sense of wanting to do it right the first time. That does not mean you will not make mistakes. That does not mean you can't do better. Just try to perform your katas with power, finesse and good technique. This does not mean you rush through your performance. One of the students tonight showed how, when taking their time, their performance looked good.

As some of you noticed, I am unhappy with the level of self-control and self-discipline by some of the students. When you become a distraction, you take time away from others. Note that I have been nice and tried to be patient. As much patience as I have, it does have its limits and I will do things to remind students of what's expected of them. Hopefully you all got a sense of what that is tonight.

Taking advantage of my kindness and good demeanor will only upset me and I will remind you of it. You are to maintain a high level of decorum and self-discipline. Let's have fun learning, but keep in mind why we are in Karate class.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Classes March 10th & 11th 2008

As you saw, those deserving of it were promoted. Advancement is an individual endeavor and is not automatic in our schools. Pushing yourself to achieve the next level is what will get you there.

Practice as much as you can as you can and you will see definite results.

This Thursday we will work on our stances as well as kihon (basics).

There is no class on Saturday due to the Battle of Columbus event.

Remember, the intra-school tournament is March 22nd, 2008. This event is to help raise funds for our school. With your donations we can continue to do more for the two schools. Get your forms in to your instructor ASAP!


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Blizzard Weekend

I hope all of your are staying warm and traveling only if it is absolutely necessary.

In between the TV shows, video games, and texting, take some time to practice. It only takes a few minutes to get in a few punches, kicks, blocks done. In fact, if you are watching a television show, work on a kata during commercials. It takes roughly 30 seconds - 1 minute to work a kata. Remember that most people take 300 repetitions to learn a kata. With a good 10-20 minutes of commercials in any hour of TV, you could get up to 10 repetitions of a kata in.

Of special important, make sure that you stretch every morning and evening. This maintains flexibility and keeps you loose.

Take care all.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Class 3/5/08

As stated in today's class, it is the individual student's responsibility to practice what they are taught. If they do not, then they will find themselves left behind. This is not done out of meanness but to reinforce that students must do their "homework". This way they can advance and earn the opportunity to learn new material. It is not fair that the class as a whole is held back because a few individuals do not strive to move ahead in their training. Because I strive to be a fair instructor, I will not allow those that do not practice hold back those that do. With that said, a number of students will be doing a lot of remedial training in class while those that have earned it will move on ahead to new material.

It's expected that everyone do their best in their karate training. This will transfer over to the rest of one's life and help build good work ethic as a habitual way of life and not only doing good work on an as needed basis.

Hope to see many of you on Saturday for the children and adult's classes.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Class 3/4/08

I am a little disappointed with the progress of some of the students. There are students that have been in the class since September who cannot remember past movement 4 of Taikyoku Shodan. I am at a loss to understand why that is so other than:

1) I have not been a good enough teacher.

2) Students are not practicing enough on their own.

3) All of the above.

I must stress that it is up to the individual student to practice what has been taught that day. It is a teacher's responsibility to teach you something new, and assist a student in perfecting what they learned so that new knowledge can be passed along. If the student doesn't do what they need to do to advance, then it is on them.

Eventually, some students will get left behind if they do not push themselves to succeed. I will not promote a student with sloppy technique and no knowledge of their requirements. Remember that there are plenty of classes and your teachers are available to assist you. Step to the plate and do some remedial training on your own so you can advance.

Remember, my goal is to make every single one of you better than I am. To go past me in my own technique and level of mastery.

I hope all takes this to heart and will put more effort into their training.


Monday, March 3, 2008

Class - 3/3/08

Went over kata today.

Kata is the essence of any traditional Okinawan Martial Art. By studying kata we build strength, stamina, and learn techniques we can use in fighting. Sometimes, if done properly, they help us learn self-defense techniques. The most important part of a kata is the footwork. If your footwork is not good, your fighting will not be good.

We emphasize stances for a reason. If your footwork is off, your balance is probably off and a simple push could leave you sprawled on the floor wondering what happened. Please take the time to establish your stances in your kata work. You could have great hands, but if your foot work is bad, your fighting will be bad.

We discussed breaking kata down so you can learn them properly. Take the time to work more difficult parts of a kata over and over. Practice breeds skill and continuous practice breeds skillful practitioners. Building muscle memory can only be done with repetition. Give yourself a few minutes a day (15 minutes would be perfect) to work on a part of a form that is especially difficult for you. You will reap the benefits.
