Monday, March 3, 2008

Class - 3/3/08

Went over kata today.

Kata is the essence of any traditional Okinawan Martial Art. By studying kata we build strength, stamina, and learn techniques we can use in fighting. Sometimes, if done properly, they help us learn self-defense techniques. The most important part of a kata is the footwork. If your footwork is not good, your fighting will not be good.

We emphasize stances for a reason. If your footwork is off, your balance is probably off and a simple push could leave you sprawled on the floor wondering what happened. Please take the time to establish your stances in your kata work. You could have great hands, but if your foot work is bad, your fighting will be bad.

We discussed breaking kata down so you can learn them properly. Take the time to work more difficult parts of a kata over and over. Practice breeds skill and continuous practice breeds skillful practitioners. Building muscle memory can only be done with repetition. Give yourself a few minutes a day (15 minutes would be perfect) to work on a part of a form that is especially difficult for you. You will reap the benefits.


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