Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I (re)introduced to Monday's class many of the techniques we will be learning in the next few months. Many of the techniques you already know, but they will now have a designation so that when the instructor calls out: "show me One Step 4A" the attacker will know which attack is appropriate for the technique and the defender will perform the necessary defense and counterattack.

Self-defense and one-step sparring is not a true test or the best training mechanism for fighting to defend oneself. The method in which we practice them are for learning purposes only. We want the students to know the technique and then understand it. By going full blast throughout the technique the student will not be able to learn the technique properly. Going slow through the technique to build muscle and mental memory allows learning to occur and allows students to apply the techniques for the appropriate situation. Over time, more resistance is applied so that the student can learn how to apply the proper leverage, torque, movement, etc. for the technique to work. As you go up in rank, the attackers will speed up, be stronger in their effort to penetrate your defense. In this manner defenders will become stronger and better technicians.

Understand when I say "create the threat" does not mean to incapacitate our partner. It means to create a situation by which the defender MUST react or chance being hurt or pushed around. Overtime, "creating the threat" takes on a new meaning as we learn how to take our techniques and create a "natural flow" in our fighting so that we can learn to react and counter the attackers movements and attacks.

Also understand that self-defense techniques are not "fixed". What I mean is that one should not think that the only time one will use Wrist Grab Self-Defense 1 is when the person grabs the right wrist. This technique can be applied on a push or as someone goes to grab you. You should strive to not just learn the technique but (as I said above), understand them and apply them to situations where they will work.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Change Over

As you already know, Master Chase is stepping back from the day to day instructional duties at the Michael J. Zone Karate program. Although I will miss Master Chase’s direct instruction, I look forward to the opportunity to teach classes full time as well as help our Oshirokan Karate-Jutsu Goshin Budo Bujutsu clubs grow and expand. My goal is to make the instruction interesting as well as entertaining. Everyone should know that I am firm but I strive to be fair in my dealings with everyone. No one should ever be afraid to talk to me about any issue with the classes and are more than welcome to contact me to discuss any issues.

During our meeting we will be going over some changes
1) Price list (reduction in prices for testing fees).
The testing fees have been reduced so that they are not as burdensome. There are ways in which students can reduce the cost of the fees (i.e.-via referrals and fund raising).

2) Tournament on November 1st – Master Chase and I would like it if every student competes. Note we do NOT expect every student to participate in sparring, but would like to see each student participate in kata. The tournament organizer has agreed to discount tournament fees up to $10 per person. Each student will be required to speak to Sensei Nieves directly regarding their personal situation so that the necessary forms are completed and the appropriate discounts are given. There might be ‘scholarships’ available to those students that qualify. Each case will be handled on a one on one basis.

3) Curriculum Refinement
Master Chase and I have been discussing over the last 2 years the streamlining of the Oriental Martial Arts curriculum. Master Chase’s teaching style involved the teaching of specific principles allowing the student to expand and evolve these techniques on his/her own. This has not worked as well as we would’ve liked with the bulk of our students. A set of fixed self-defense techniques will be taught to the students. This will give each student a true foundation in their self-defense while still allowing the student to expand on those techniques and apply to their own unique situations. All students will be required to bring their folders to classes and be prepared to write in their folders these techniques.
Attached you will find a new kata listing students will learn in their training at the two clubs. Katas were removed that were redundant and were not conducive to training and advancement. We feel these katas are more exciting and provide a stronger base from which to build upon for our teaching method.

4) Discounts
Each student will be given business cards which contains a free two week trial period. Please pass these out to anyone that is interested in karate training. Make sure to put the referring student’s name on the back of the card. If a new student registers with the program that was referred by a current student, the current student will receive one month’s worth of credit. In other words, for every student that is referred to our program that registers (pays their registration fee) we will credit/waive one month from the current student’s dues. If a student wishes to credit their testing fees instead of one month’s worth of dues, they are able to do so. That student must let the instructor know beforehand so it can be noted in their file. Note the new student MUST have registered and completed their paperwork before the referral will be credited to the current student’s account.

5) Dues.
We ask that all students pay their dues by the 15th of every month to ease the burden of book keeping. If a student can not pay their dues on time, please contact the head instructor at your earliest opportunity.

6) Student Progress
Periodically (ideally once a month or every other month), I will be passing out progress reports to each student so that they can know where they are in their trainings. I will be evaluating students constantly (“EVERY DAY IS A TEST!”) to assess their readiness for advancement. Note that major tests occur twice a year in June and December with progress and stripe promotions occurring between those tests. My goal is to be more consistent with the stripe promotions and inform students when they are ready for their next belt test as well as what they need to brush up on so they can move forward.

7) Intermediate / Advanced classes
The Saturday classes have not had the adult attendance we had hoped for. Also, we noticed that the intermediate and advanced students were not getting the attention they deserved for their own advancement. Starting September 13th the Saturday classes will be for intermediate and advanced students only (green belt and above). All students are welcome to participate in classes at both Zone Recreation Center (W. 65th & Lorain) and the HUMADAOP Youth Center (3115 Scranton Road in the old St. Michael’s Gruss Hall). All students will be expected to participate in at least 2 classes with the green belt and above students being asked to participate in 3 classes (2 during the week and the Saturday class). We understand that families have schedules to maintain and we will not be unreasonable with their circumstances. We would ask that they discuss with the head instructor to make sure the student receives the appropriate instruction for their level. Please call the instructor and let him know if that student will not be attending class that day. Sometimes the instructor will have specific teaching for a student and would like to know if those plans need to be put aside for that day.

8) Sparring
We have not had the regular sparring sessions required to apply the techniques we learn in class. We plan on having sparring conducted on Wednesdays and Saturdays at Michael J. Zone. We will have quick sparring sessions at the end of class Wednesdays with more detailed sparring instruction in the last hour of Saturday’s class. Acquiring one’s own sparring gear is recommended but not required. We have sets of sparring gear that we will have available for student’s use. Note that we will assist students in acquiring their own sparring gear if they wish to have it but the cost is prohibitive for them. We do recommend, however, that any student that is deemed eligible (ready) to spar have their own mouth and groin protector. Those students that are ready to spar will be notified. No student will be made to spar that is NOT mentally or technically ready to do so. Safety is # 1 with me and I will not allow a student to be in a situation I do not believe they are ready to handle.

9) Fundraising
As everyone knows, we are a non-profit whose main focus is to provide martial arts instruction at a very low cost to our students. We will be asking students and their families to assist in the fund raising activities to help continue to provide uniforms and equipment to future students (“paying it forward”). Note that NOONE will be REQUIRED to assist in fund raising activities but will ask that you do what you can to help grow the program.

10) Purchasing of Equipment
We ask that students purchase their equipment through the program. We strive to keep our prices low and pass those savings along to the students. The equipment we have chosen is approved by your head instructor and meets his standards. Note that we require a minimum $50 order or we will be charged an additional $10. We will attempt to gather a larger order to avoid this cost. Prices on the price list do NOT include shipping charges. Usually shipping charges are an additional $5 for the item. If the charge is higher, we will let the purchaser know before an item is purchased.

1. Mouth Piece $ 3.00
2. Athletic Supporter – Male $10.00
3. Athletic Supporter – Female $ 25.00
4. Karate Uniform and Patch (Adult / Child) $ 35.00

5. Oshirokan Patch $ 5.00
6. Foam Dipped Protector Gear (Sparring) Set (Head, hand, and foot; mouth piece included).*
$ 50.00

*Optional but recommended.

Above prices do not include shipping. Shipping is usually $5 unless otherwise indicated by the insructor.


Green Belt $ 30.00

Brown Belt $ 45.00

Black Belt 1st Degree $100.00
Black Belt 2nd Degree $150.00
Black Belt 3rd Degree $200.00
Black Belt 4th Degree $250.00

Remember that these fees are mandated by the organization and pay for the fees necessary to certify the rank with Oshirokan.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tournament Fundraiser

First the particulars:

$460.00 Tournament Fees
$316.00 Raffle+Entrance fees+food sold
$776.00 Total

Expenses versus Revenue

$507.93 Total Tournament Expenses
$776 Total Revenue
$268.07 (Revenue - Expenses)

The last tournament fundraiser we had saw us making about the same with less participants and spectators. The reason for this is we had less expenses at the time and had better paricipation from our own students. Total, we had 4 students from our two clubs pariticipate in the tournament compared with 20 for our in house one in February. Although this was an open tournament and we were able to have 23 total participants and 41 spectators this past Saturday (which made up for the shortfall for our own students not coming), I am disappointed we didn't get the support I was hoping for from our students.

A parent made the (correct) comment that we should not be talking to the kids about supporting our non-profit venture and talk to the parents. The thing is, we did talk to all the parents we could and even handed out flyers with information on the tournament and the reason for it.

On the positive side, we had a few students come to watch the tournament and support us by paying their spectator fee.

One of the things I knew was going to happen is the lack of a lot of competitors because we could not allow sparring at the tournament due to the By Laws of the HUMADAOP Youth Center stating: 'no sparring/fighting allowed on the premises'. The Program Director stated that maybe we could convince the Executive Director to allow it in our next venture. I will have to talk to them about it next time.

In summary, we did not lose money and made over $268 for the program. That's a plus. The downside is we did not get as much support as I would've liked. The sadder part was our own students were the ones that didn't support us as much as I would've liked.

Next tournament we hope to make bigger and better with much better participation and sparring. Hopefully we can convince more of our own to help.

We have a demonstration tonight and one on Saturday. I hope some of you will step up to help us show our wares and drum up participation for the program.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Today - August 10, 2008

Yes, a post long time in coming.

The past few months have been a whirlwind of activity and 'goings on'. To say it has been challenging would be an understatement.

The St. Paul's program is no more and has moved to the Hispanic UMADAOP Youth Center. It was a much better location in terms of size and parking but deeper in inner-city Cleveland and some students were put off by the move. I can understand the trepidations, but overall the move was a good one. Besides, the St. Paul's location was not exactly a safe area either. I think people were comfortable at St. Paul's and didn't like going to a new place.

Some have asked me why I don't move to the suburbs with our program. The kids in the 'burbs can afford to pay the outrageous prices for Karate training (if they want to call that McDojo KarateKid day care that!). The inner-city is where our program is needed the most. Kids are at risk from drugs, alcohol, abusive relationships, etc. etc. By giving them purpose and direction, we hope to instill in them the sense that "yes I can!" in anything they wish.

I just wish many of the students would take the time to put more into the training. Sometimes I see that those that can pay for something actually appreciate it more. It's sad. But I say, if you come to class and do your best and give your most, you will be paying for it in sweat and effort. As I am known to say: "shut up and train" and get what you can out of what we do.


August 23rd we will be having our 2nd fundraising tournament. Proceeds benefit the Hispanic UMADAOP Youth Center and our inner-city Karate program. We hope we can get as many participants as possible to raise money for our program and the HUMADAOP YC. As I mentioned previously, we were shorted $2,000 in our grant request this year and need to make up the shortfall.

We will be working katas and self-defense hard in the next two weeks. We hope that students will give their best to the training and work hard!

See you in class!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Last Week's Message

From an anonymous author:

  • I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.

What does this mean? Well, regardless of what your religious beliefs are, we only have one shot at living the current life we have now. Why not make it a good life? Why not do good for ourselves, our families and mankind in general?

"Fellow creature" can be taken to mean our fellow human beings. We can also apply that meaning to the creatures that share this Earth space with us. This does not mean you should be a Vegan and only eat vegetable and fruit foods. But we can respect the animals around us and not be cruel and mean to them. Caring for a pet can teach us much about ourselves and assists in learning patience and understanding.

Do things that are meaningful and lasting. Even if only small in nature, flowers given to a friend or family member "just because" can leave a memory that will be cherished and remembered fondly.

As it relates to our training, assisting our fellow students in advancing by challenging them with a good punch and/or good resistance will help them become better at their self-defense. This does not mean to punch with the intent to maim or destroy our partner. We want that partner to come back and 'play' with us. Creating meaningful threats and giving active resistance allows our techniques to be tested and verified. There is a fine line between a "meaningful threat" and a destructive technique. For example, a strong kick to the back of the thigh is sufficient to let our partner know they didn't defend properly. If we perform a strong kick with full force directly at the side or front of the knee, we will hurt that partner and take them out of training for a good long while (if they ever fully recover that is). Meaningful threat doesn't mean to maim, but to challenge and help our training partner grow.

Calling up a classmate for additional training builds comraderie and relationships. Questions can be answered when going through the movements, techniques and applications revealed in the classroom. Remember that Martial Arts is an eternal journey that never ends with "the perfect technique". "There is no such thing as a perfect technique, only perfect applications for the situation at hand".

Consider what I have just said that in life, we might only get one chance to do something right. Take the time to practice thousands of times so that if a dangerous situation presents itself, when you execute the appropriate technique it will be...perfect.


We are going over fighting at both schools this week with a smattering of the following: 3 punch combination, lunch punch combination, elbow series, and kata for all and weapons with the senior ranks.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Saturday YMCA Kid's Health

I want to say thank you to the Bradshaw family and Robert for coming out to support our demonstration at the YMCA Kid's Health program at the Downtown YMCA. Hopefully, this will lead to bigger and better things for our class.

I am feeling much better and can go over the things I failed to cover last week. This week we will cover:

-Kihon-geri (basic kicks) for all
-Fukyugata Ich for all and Nidan for the Green belts

Saturday the 19th Sensei Nieves will not be hosting an adult class. He was invited to assist another instructor with his belt test and he graciously accepted. It is a rare opportunity and a true honor for another instructor to ask one to assist in evaluating students progress.

We have purchased a Cabinet for the St. Paul's class. We hope to store much of our kicking and punching pads at St. Paul's so it is easier to carry back and forth. We hope to also store some of our handouts and forms in that cabinet.

Remember that we are planning another fund raiser in June. Details are to follow soon.

See you in class this week!


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Regrets & Goals - March 09, 2008

Regrets are defined as:
repent: feel remorse for; feel sorry for; feel sad about the loss or absence of
decline formally or politely; sorrow: sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment

Everyone has something they wish they didn't do (or done differently) in the past or wish they had done. It is better not to live according to those regrets. Otherwise, one holds him/herself back from growing. If someone did you wrong years ago, don't regret knowing that person. Learn the lesson and try to move past it. If you long for someone you have not seen in a long time, do not dwell on their absence, but rather the good they gave to you and how they helped shape some of your happier moments. If you feel sad because you didn't follow a path before, see if still available. They say: "it's never too late" and that is true of most things in life. Find out if it's worth doing and then GO FOR IT!

Goals are defined as: an objective (which is a broad aim or desired outcome) made specific in terms of time and degree

When we set a goal, we should remember that there are steps to achieving a goal. We should become aware of just what it will take to achieve what we set for ourselves. And just because the road is long does not mean it isn't worth it. Everything that is worth anything requires effort to keep or maintain.

Last night I used the example of one's desire to be an astronaut. First you must study in High School and graduate with a good education. Then one must get into a college that will give you the required science and math education along with the record of challenging individuals and producing well-developed minds. From there one would either go to the Air Force, Navy or Flight School (Airline?) to earn their flight training certification. In other cases, one becomes a well known scientist with a specialty in a specific area. Upon earning the correct accolades and accreditation, one then applies for the NASA Astronaut program.

As you can see the path is long, and not without trial. If you have a setback (i.e.-fail Organic Biology), is life over? No. You can try again. That doesn't mean you don't try your best to do it right the first time. What if you break your leg during the Astonaut program training? Is it over? No, you must take time to heal then restart the program. Certainly these are both obstacles that can present themselves but can be overcome if one desires to do so.

Do not become so anxious about your goals that they become an obsession to you. Sometimes, you have to take a break to either (re)examine your path or just to recharge. My own karate training is a good example of this. I personally want to learn so much that I become anxious and wish to learn as much as I can. By hurrying, I lose important basic or even middle steps steps along the way. I had to slow myself down and realize that there is always time to do the things I would like to do.

Do not allow yourself to be or get discouraged regarding your goals. Remember, many others have gone before you attempting to achieve the very same goals. You simply have to match desire with work ethic and then do the actual work necessary to achieve your goal.

Saying I want to do that without actually making it happen is just words. Words are meaningless without action. Talk less, do more.


Sunday, April 6, 2008


My apologies as I have not made time to post.

I have seen some definite progress in many of the students in class. Master Chase and I both have commented how many of you have stepped up during the tournament and whose training is starting to take off. Some are ready for advancement to green belt. Those individuals will be watched closely. Those names will not be listed here so as not to give any false sense of motivation and to not give others the sense they should give up training hard.

All students should be giving their all to their training. Remember, every day is a test.

This week we will be going over Kata with Onoko being our prime area of study. Newer students and students who are not ready for Onoko will be reviewing Taikyoku Shodan & Fukyugata Ich.

Green belts will be shown the first parts of Fukyugata Ni.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday Tournament - Fundraiser

To all of you that attended, I wish to say congratulations. Just showing up to demonstrate your ability shows you are confident and already were a winner when you walked through the door.

Here is the break out of how we did:

Total cash brought in: $439.00
Total expenses: $87.07
Donation to St. Paul's: $100.00
Total cost for prize/awards after event: $23.25

Total left over for programs: $228.68.

Thank you to everyone that helped make this fund raiser a success! We hope to have another in the future.

See you at training next week.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Classes March 12th & 13th

Worked on kata today. As stated previously, kata is the essence of what you do. What you put into your katas, you will get out of it. Garbage in, Garbage out.

Practice with a sense of wanting to do it right the first time. That does not mean you will not make mistakes. That does not mean you can't do better. Just try to perform your katas with power, finesse and good technique. This does not mean you rush through your performance. One of the students tonight showed how, when taking their time, their performance looked good.

As some of you noticed, I am unhappy with the level of self-control and self-discipline by some of the students. When you become a distraction, you take time away from others. Note that I have been nice and tried to be patient. As much patience as I have, it does have its limits and I will do things to remind students of what's expected of them. Hopefully you all got a sense of what that is tonight.

Taking advantage of my kindness and good demeanor will only upset me and I will remind you of it. You are to maintain a high level of decorum and self-discipline. Let's have fun learning, but keep in mind why we are in Karate class.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Classes March 10th & 11th 2008

As you saw, those deserving of it were promoted. Advancement is an individual endeavor and is not automatic in our schools. Pushing yourself to achieve the next level is what will get you there.

Practice as much as you can as you can and you will see definite results.

This Thursday we will work on our stances as well as kihon (basics).

There is no class on Saturday due to the Battle of Columbus event.

Remember, the intra-school tournament is March 22nd, 2008. This event is to help raise funds for our school. With your donations we can continue to do more for the two schools. Get your forms in to your instructor ASAP!


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Blizzard Weekend

I hope all of your are staying warm and traveling only if it is absolutely necessary.

In between the TV shows, video games, and texting, take some time to practice. It only takes a few minutes to get in a few punches, kicks, blocks done. In fact, if you are watching a television show, work on a kata during commercials. It takes roughly 30 seconds - 1 minute to work a kata. Remember that most people take 300 repetitions to learn a kata. With a good 10-20 minutes of commercials in any hour of TV, you could get up to 10 repetitions of a kata in.

Of special important, make sure that you stretch every morning and evening. This maintains flexibility and keeps you loose.

Take care all.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Class 3/5/08

As stated in today's class, it is the individual student's responsibility to practice what they are taught. If they do not, then they will find themselves left behind. This is not done out of meanness but to reinforce that students must do their "homework". This way they can advance and earn the opportunity to learn new material. It is not fair that the class as a whole is held back because a few individuals do not strive to move ahead in their training. Because I strive to be a fair instructor, I will not allow those that do not practice hold back those that do. With that said, a number of students will be doing a lot of remedial training in class while those that have earned it will move on ahead to new material.

It's expected that everyone do their best in their karate training. This will transfer over to the rest of one's life and help build good work ethic as a habitual way of life and not only doing good work on an as needed basis.

Hope to see many of you on Saturday for the children and adult's classes.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Class 3/4/08

I am a little disappointed with the progress of some of the students. There are students that have been in the class since September who cannot remember past movement 4 of Taikyoku Shodan. I am at a loss to understand why that is so other than:

1) I have not been a good enough teacher.

2) Students are not practicing enough on their own.

3) All of the above.

I must stress that it is up to the individual student to practice what has been taught that day. It is a teacher's responsibility to teach you something new, and assist a student in perfecting what they learned so that new knowledge can be passed along. If the student doesn't do what they need to do to advance, then it is on them.

Eventually, some students will get left behind if they do not push themselves to succeed. I will not promote a student with sloppy technique and no knowledge of their requirements. Remember that there are plenty of classes and your teachers are available to assist you. Step to the plate and do some remedial training on your own so you can advance.

Remember, my goal is to make every single one of you better than I am. To go past me in my own technique and level of mastery.

I hope all takes this to heart and will put more effort into their training.


Monday, March 3, 2008

Class - 3/3/08

Went over kata today.

Kata is the essence of any traditional Okinawan Martial Art. By studying kata we build strength, stamina, and learn techniques we can use in fighting. Sometimes, if done properly, they help us learn self-defense techniques. The most important part of a kata is the footwork. If your footwork is not good, your fighting will not be good.

We emphasize stances for a reason. If your footwork is off, your balance is probably off and a simple push could leave you sprawled on the floor wondering what happened. Please take the time to establish your stances in your kata work. You could have great hands, but if your foot work is bad, your fighting will be bad.

We discussed breaking kata down so you can learn them properly. Take the time to work more difficult parts of a kata over and over. Practice breeds skill and continuous practice breeds skillful practitioners. Building muscle memory can only be done with repetition. Give yourself a few minutes a day (15 minutes would be perfect) to work on a part of a form that is especially difficult for you. You will reap the benefits.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Class - 2/27/08 & 2/28/08

Sparring class Wednesday and Thursday.

Everyone did fairly well. Although I appreciate the punching power of many of the students remember that we are not trying to break our opponents up. Medium contact is sufficient to develope your technique and letting your partner know that you got a hit in. A couple of you figured out what happens if you come at sensei "strong".

Some pointers-

Keep your hands up! Blocking is important. I think if we punched to the head more (HINT HINT HINT TO THOSE THAT AREN'T!), you will realize that protecting your head is important. Leading with your head can cost you. Ditto with leading with a technique that leaves your chest open. A couple of students were taught that lesson.

What many of you are forgetting is your basic techniques. Basic jabs, reverse punches, front kicks are available and can strike your opponent if you use them. So many of you are working more difficult techniques without actually setting them up. Watch the more advance students as they set up techniques in their sparring.

All in all I am happy with the progress of many of our students. Keep up the great work.

Next week we will work on throws and basics with a touch of kata.

Saturday in the adult class we plan on going over some ground work and how to avoid being taken down.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Class - February 26, 2008

We skipped sparring since many students did not make it due to inclement weather.

In tonight's class students were individually evaluated on their performance of their kata.

Some students were introduced to the bo and shown 3 basic techniques:
-downward strike from the right shoulder
-upper and lower level double handed blocks

Thursday's class will cover-

-Jyu Kumite (free sparring)
-Bag work for those that are not sparring.



Welcome to our blog!

This blog will allow students to be aware of what's we covered in that day's class as well as what's expected of you for your personal development. We will also discuss some key points of that day's class for your consideration.

Please feel free to post your comments and/or your questions.
